Mental health benefits of Yoga

Mental health benefits of Yoga

Yoga has many benefits. In addition to physical fitness, including improved flexibility, more healthy body weight and bone that may be more powerful, in my opinion, people who love yoga also has mental health.
Yoga holds the power to transform our minds as he did against our bodies.

1. Yoga can help people with bipolar disorder
Many are considered poor living conditions Health yoga is beneficial for mental and one in five people mention yoga life-changing.
While it is important to emphasize that it is a survey, it is possible that yoga can do much good for those with bipolar.

2. Yoga is a stress reliever
Yoga can also help fight stress and improve mood for everyone. This practice could also offer a moment for a moment forget the burden of life. Research shows, stress reduction because of the mind, such as the core of yoga, can reduce anxiety and stress.
In a study at the University of California, Los Angeles, participants who practiced yoga only for 12 minutes every day for 8 weeks showed a decrease in the inflammatory response of their immune system. When we are very stressed, the body loses its ability to regulate peredangan response, which can cause health problems, including the risk of depression is greater. By lowering stress levels, we can also reduce the risk of depression.

3. Yoga boost brain power

Poses not just a pose. According to the University of Illinois, they also help improve brain function. A short session of Hatha yoga for 20 minutes can improve focus and memory.

4. Yoga increases happiness
Ever feel how powerful, centralized and your happy after attending a yoga class? Actually not all in the head. Research shows the simple action of enjoying the moment can improve mood. On average, we spend almost half the time we plan for the future or reflect on the past and remains today more often easier said than done.

But, yoga helps us to focus on the moment by providing physical and mental exercise. That is why the yoga instructors often encourage reflection and life today while in class, rather than just posing. Mental aspects of yoga bring a whole new meaning to the word happy.

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